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Effective Pump Services in Parksville

Looking for reliable pump services in Parksville or well drilling experts that could offer services to meet your specific needs? We are just the people you need. At Red Williams Well Drilling Ltd, the variety of services offered by our expert staff ranges from well drilling, pump installation and repair to water treatment and water deliveries. When you choose us for your well drilling and water needs, you can rest assured of quality services in a timely manner. Get in touch with our team now to know more or to get an estimate on our services.


You can count on us for the following services:


  • What Is Mineralization of a Well?
    Water "hardness" refers to the level of unwanted minerals, principally calcium and magnesium, found in your water supply. Hard water is an aesthetic issue (poor lathering, spots on dishes) and a mechanical issue (clogged pipes, expensive repairs, poor washing machine performance), but it is not a health concern. Hard water is found only in certain neighbourhoods and usually only on water supplies from a local well or wells. Minerals in water are generally identified by taste and visual aspects, such as: Scale or scum from calcium or magnesium salts in water Unclear/turbid water from dirt, clay salts, silt or rust in water Green stains on sinks or faucets caused by high acidity Brown-red stains on sinks, dishwasher, or clothes in wash points to dissolved iron in water Salty or brackish taste from high sodium content in water Alkali/soapy taste from dissolved alkaline minerals in water Metallic taste from acidity or high iron content in water A major problem with well mineralization is build-up of minerals on a well screen that impedes the flow of water into the well, and decreases well production. For further information or an annual checkup, call Red Williams Well Drilling Ltd.
  • How Do I Deal With Water Discolouration?
    Well water can be discoloured for various reasons, including iron bacteria (rust coloured), manganese (black-brown) or organic reasons (various colours). Iron/manganese bacteria can create hydrogen sulphide as a by-product - giving the water a "rotten egg" odour. Milky white water, also commonly described as cloudy, hazy, soapy, or foamy, is almost always caused by air in the water. Observe a glass of water for 2 or 3 minutes. If the white colour is due to air, the water will begin to clear at the bottom of the glass first and then gradually will clear all the way to the top.
  • What Do I Do About Water Odour?
    If your source water runs through an area where naturally occurring sulphur is present, some sulphur may dissolve into the water. Some of this dissolved sulphur turns to the gas, hydrogen sulphide, and this can give the water a rotten egg type smelly odour. This type of odour is more common in areas where coal is present. Normally allowing a glass of water to sit for a small time period allows the trapped gas to escape. For this reason, sulphur content is often hard to analyze except at the source. Sulphur odours can also be caused by a failing hot water heater component or by certain bacteria in the building plumbing system.
  • How Does My Water Pressure Tank Work?
    When you turn the water tap, you want a consistent flow until your needs are met. If your water supply is obtained from a well, the system will usually consist of a pump, supply line, controls, power line and water holding tank. Most domestic systems use a pressurized water tank located in the house or a pump house. The tank is located between the supply line from the well and the water tap. It serves four purposes; Provides a constant water pressure to your home’s plumbing system. Helps prevent premature wear on the well pump. Acts as a reservoir for holding water. Provides a fluid pressure that can adapt to electronic control. All water systems benefit from preventive maintenance. A small logbook beside the water tank to record your system’s operation and problems will be invaluable to maintain a consistent water supply.
  • What Is Well Head Protection?
    A domestic water supply from a drilled well is generally in a location that can be accessed by a drill rig. The well consists of several parts that must be protected from weather, freezing and runoff water. The wellhead is designed to provide the required protection. It will consist of: a cap on the casing, an elevated ground area around the casing, an identification tag below the cap, an electrical supply line either up the side of the casing and thru for the well head, and a water supply line often below ground using a pitless adapter. The well also is constructed with a surface seal to prevent surface water from entering the well; it is made from impervious bentonite. It is formed between the well casing and ground formation and will extend down several feet. It is a good idea to check for pools of water near the well head in the spring or after heavy rainfalls. An electrical conduit usually runs out of the well cap into the ground; a visual check will ensure that it is still in good order. For further information or an annual checkup, call Red Williams Well Drilling Ltd.
  • How Do I Chlorinate My Well?
    The well driller or pump installer will usually disinfect the well and pump column after installation. If it is deemed necessary, chlorination can be performed on the well at any time. The well, however, will remain out of use until the chlorine is pumped out. When working with chlorine, people should be in a well-ventilated place. The powder or strong liquid should not come in contact with skin or clothing. Solutions are best handled in wood, plastic or crockery containers because metals are corroded by strong chlorine solutions. Pour hypochlorite granules down into the well. Some people use swimming pool chlorine tablets, which have the advantage that they sink to and sterilize water at the well bottom, and the disadvantage that it takes longer to flush out the chlorine. A substitute for tablets or granules is a mix of water and household bleach. The mix should be poured into the well. A garden hose then circulates the mix by simply putting the hose into the well top. Once circulation has taken place, the well is pumped until all traces of the chlorine is removed. For further information or an annual checkup, call Red Williams Well Drilling Ltd.
  • Tell Me About Water Sampling
    For various reasons, you may want to have your water analyzed. The first step is to contact a laboratory that tests water. The lab will want to give you special containers for your samples and instructions for delivery. There are two types of sample containers - the first has a treated inside. That sample is filled to a level line on the container. The second is a sterilized bottle that is filled to overflowing; the cap is also filled and placed on the container without touching the sample water or the inside of the sample jar or cap. The water being sampled should be flushed by running for a small time period. If the sample is for well water, it should be taken as close to the pumping source as possible. The samples should be placed in a small cooler or Styrofoam container with frozen gel packs. You will want to log the location, time and date the sample is taken. Once the sample is taken, time is of essence to get the sample to the lab. Simple tests such as pH can be taken and analyzed by the well owner at the well head. Water discolouration or sediment in the water can also be determined. For further information or an annual checkup, call Red Williams Well Drilling Ltd.
  • Tell Me About Well Yield?
    The yield of a well is calculated by measuring the flow rate in gpm and drawdown while pumping. Accepted household requirements are approximately 500 gal. per day. A well yield of 1 gal. per minute equals 1440 gals. per day. As water is pumped out of a well, it is replaced from the water-bearing aquifer; the rate of replacement allows calculation of yield per foot of drawdown. Pumping a well at 5 gpm and measuring the water level will establish potential yield for most domestic wells. An example is 5 gpm for 1 hour has a drawdown of (say 10 ft.) means that 5 (gpm) divided by 10 (ft. drawdown) equals ½ gpm per foot of drawdown. If available draw down on the well is 30 ft., a rule of thumb assumes the well could produce 0.5X30 or 15 gpm. Wells drilled in bedrock sometimes produce low yield wells. Production can be in ranges of ½ gpm with 100 ft. of drawdown. This is still a well capable of domestic supply. ½ gpm still equals 750 gallons per day, which is enough to supply a household. For further information or an annual checkup, call Red Williams Well Drilling Ltd.
  • Tell Me About Well Types and Construction?
    In British, there are basically three types of wells: Drilled and screened well in overburden (formation above bedrock) Drilled wells in bedrock Dug wells in overburden The drilled and screened well has a casing that runs down to the water-bearing formation. A well screen is exposed at the bottom of the casing and makes contact with the water-bearing formation, usually sand or gravel. The well screen is designed to hold back the sand or gravel and allow the water to flow into the well. This type of well tends to be the highest water producer. The top of the casing will be sealed to the surrounding formation to prevent surface water from flowing down the casing into the well. Drilled wells in bedrock will have a surface casing set and sealed to the surrounding formation. The well will proceed into the bedrock and pick up water from fractures or cracks in the bedrock. If areas of the bedrock are badly fractured, a liner may be installed to prevent cave-in of the well. A dug well may take various forms - from a dug hole in the ground to a cased hole with cement rings or a large diameter pipe such as a culvert. Dug wells rely on surface water for recharge; as a result, they often have a lower or no yield in late summer or early fall. Due to recharge from surface water, they also may be subject to bacteria or other forms of contamination. Most dug wells have been replaced with a drilled well. For further information or an annual checkup, call Red Williams Well Drilling Ltd.
  • Where Do I Go to Find Out More About Provincial Water Guidelines?
    More information may be found here:

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